How To Save An Email As A Template

Digably • Jul 22, 2023 8 steps • 45 seconds read

This guide will show you how to save an email as a template in Digably.

1. Click "Actions"

Let's start inside the visual email builder. After you have created an email that you would like to save as a template, click "Actions" in the upper left of the builder.

2. Click "Save as template"

Then, select "Save as template."

3. Name your email template

Give your email template a name, and click "Save."

4. Click "Load Saved Template"

To load a previously saved template, click the "Load Saved Template" button in the upper right of the builder.

5. Click "My Templates"

Access the "My Templates" section.

6. Click "Load Template"

Finally, click the "Load Template" button beside the template that you would like to load.

This guide covered the steps to save an email as a template in Digably.

Last updated