I Can't See My Website When I Type In My Domain (Slug Settings)

Learn how to fix the issue of not being able to see your website when typing in your domain. This is usually a very simple fix and can be done in the page settings. Let's begin.

1. Click "Pages"

From your dashboard, navigate to the "Pages" section in the left side menu.

2. Click the website

Click on the affected website to open the page builder.

3. Click "Page Setting"

Access the "Page Settings" in the upper left.

4. Enter "index" for the slug of your page.

Enter the word "index" for the slug of your page.

5. Click "Save"

Save the changes.

6. Click "Publish"

Publish the updated website.

This guide covered the steps to resolve the issue of not being able to see your website when typing in your domain.

Last updated